Posts Tagged ‘Statitics’

ADePT: a Great Software for Data & Analytical Reports

November 10, 2009



ADePT, the Software Platform for Automated Economic Analysis, is a free program designed to simplify and speed-up the production of analytical reports. Created by the Research Department (DECRG) of the World Bank, it can be used to extract indicators from micro-level surveys and present them in a print-ready form. ADePT can generate sets of about 50 print-ready tables and graphs in different areas of economic analysis, and already includes, among others, modules on Poverty, Inequality, Labor, Gender, Education, Health, and Social Protection.

ADePT helps both to minimize human errors and to introduce new techniques and methods to a wide audience of practitioners. It can be used as a tool for sensitivity analysis, data checking, and simulations – it’s an ideal tool for training! Tasks that take several weeks of work from qualified consultants could be accomplished within minutes using ADePT. Furthermore, by producing a standard set of tables and graphs, the program allows standardization of the economic statistics among countries expanding the possibilities for research on intra-country comparisons.

The website contains a free, downloadable version of the software, as well as video tutorials in several languages, PowerPoint presentations, examples and more about how to use ADePT by utilizing different data sets. Please visit for more information.


The current version of ADePT requires a prior installation of the STATA software, but updates might be available in the near future to bypass this requirement.